Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Keep On...

Someone has more bad news for us every day.

Social Security percentage increase.

Gun/ ammo regulations and bans.

Healthcare "reform".

So? Keep talking doom and gloom. Go pound your head on a wall a million times.
It won't change anything.

I heard someone say, "The Christian with the proper perspective lives every day like the end will never come, yet expecting every morning that this could be the day."

God has a plan for all of us... if we will just let Him fulfill it.
He will speak to us through His Word... if we will just read it.
He will fill us with joy... if we will praise Him.
He will fill us with hope... if we will believe.
He will unlock doors... if we will turn the knob and walk through.
He will part Jordan... if we will dip a foot in.
~Elliott P.

And not only so, but we glory in tribulations also: knowing that tribulation worketh patience;
And patience, experience; and experience, hope:
And hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us. Romans 5:1-5

1 comment:

Jamie Parfitt said...

All Americans, especially Christians, should come to a country like New Zealand and spend a few weeks, buying things at the prices here. They are so ridiculously high! I got a bargain the other day of boneless chicken breast for $11.99/kg. A kilogram is 2.2 pounds. So that is $5.45/pound. Thankfully, I have been getting about a 20% discount through the exchange rate. That makes the chicken $4.36 a pound. Since I am used to paying $1.99/lb. at Wegmans, that is still more than twice as much as I am used to paying. And this little family is receiving half their income from Social Security right now (the Ken Parfitt family, that is). So Social Security is not just for deadbeats that don't feel like working. It helps families that want to serve God and still pay for everyday expenses. And I don't think people in this country get paid as high a wage as Americans get (I haven't asked what wages are here). We just have a complaining spirit. Let's have a thankful spirit and let our eyes not only be opened to all the blessings we have, but let our hands be open in generosity to those who don't have as much as we have, especially missionaries trying to make ends meet in countries such as this.