Friday, September 21, 2012

Keepin' Busy...

(click HERE for my my most recent posts)
Here are some recent projects:

= 5 qt. pasta sauce
+ much hard labor to clean the stove:(

Heating a  big bolt to loosen it

paint the hydraulic motor for the new manure pump

Do I need to say more?

My car blows a head gasket. $700 later I gave up and bought a nice Buick Century.

Before I went to Ohio I installed a new navigation system in the Buick.

Stonework at my mom's house.

Turning this round-bale spear into a square-bale spear.
cut apart
My new pieces fabricated
Project complete!

Coming soon...Calf-bucket holders and corn silage!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Ohio Part 2 (final)

The rising sun sillouhettes my early morning greeter, an impatient but friendly Angus cow.

We stayed at Amish Country Campsites, a nice little resort run by a Mennonite couple. I highly recommend it if you're staying near Winesburg, Ohio!

And here are some common sights around...

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Ohio Part 1

It's a beautiful Sunday Morning in Holmes County , Ohio. It rained most of last night, but Trevor and I managed to stay half dry in my tent.

We took a weekend trip here to enjoy a change of scenery and some fellowship.


In spite of the steady rain, our fire threatened to devour dinner before we could!