Friday, August 3, 2018

Some more Favorites

Here are a few more favorites from my collection...

Our escapee cow. Here he is trying to lure him in with rolled oats from the cupboard.
When he finally got a rope around its neck, and the cow realized he'd lost his freedom, he went crazy and stomped around for a minute. Elliott tied the other end to the tractor, and after the cow figured out it was useless to fight, drove the tractor back out to the pasture, and made sure the fence was secure before untying him from the tractor.

Diesel the cat

Showing Gideon the animals at the county fair

Taking care of his brother's calves while he was out of town. You're probably starting to see a pattern...he loved animals.

Of course many of my favorites are of him with Gideon. He was such a good father...
From only a couple months ago. On one of the two job sites where Elliott was working in North-Central Washington.

Father and son at the breakfast bar

Photographing the Badlands at sunrise, during our drive from Washington back to NY. Something he said he'd always wanted to do.

Not the greatest picture, but I love the father and son matching camo.
Elliott and I got similar camouflage t-shirts a few months ago, and then we found this one for Gideon at a thrift store. Elliott had said we should get a family photo of us all in our camo. We never did, but I'm glad I got this one of them.

One of the last pictures I got of Elliott. He took Gideon for a little ride around the yard.

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