Sunday, May 27, 2012

Busy May!

Zone Building
                             Turbo Tilling
                                         Fixing Broken Equipment
                                                          Fixing Broken Equipment
                                                                               Fixing Broken Equipment
                                                                                                 Fixing Broken Equipment
                                                                                                                       Fixing Broken Equipment...

Such fills the days of a farm mechanic/operator in the spring rush.

The 8630 roars to life in a cloud of diesel exhaust

Fixing a bent blade on the turbo till
(it's like a shallow disk)

tire changing with my Milwaukee 1/4" impact gun

Zone Building
Digging out rocks:-( that broke the zone builder)

windrows of cut hay

My contribution to the massive hay-chopping operation - the Merger
Picks up two windrows and puts them on a third, making either 3 in one or 5 in one.
A 3-in-1 windrow ready for the chopper
covering the bunk of haylage

The setting sun...I finished merging the last field at 9 PM friday.


Unknown said...

Thanks Steve, but I have very serious issues with your doctrine.
I believe The King James Bible is the perfect Word of God, I believe baptism is a commanded ordinance but not a part of the instantaneous and complete work of justification by grace through faith for salvation. God bless
Elliott P.

Jamie Parfitt said...

Karen saw an "L" in the cloud picture. She said it was for "Lord." :-)

Dylan said the first windrow picture fooled him. Nice angle!

Happy farming!

Love, Mom